Monday, March 1, 2010

One's Life Story

I finally got another page done for my heritage album. The February challenge at Blush-n-Dusty was to do a page about someone who you miss, that has passed away, using Blushbutter's newest mini kit, Miss You.

I decided to do a tribute page about my paternal grandmother. She passed away in 2007 and I will always miss her. I only saw her a few times in my life, once she came to Canada and I was fortunate to go to Germany and visit another time, when I was about 18. My oma always made me feel loved and I often wrote letters to her. When my dad went to Germany to attend her funeral, among her things, he found one of the letters I wrote to her when I was about nine. He brought it home with some other mementos from her life. My oma overcame many difficult situations and saw the world go through many changes. She lost her husband and her home in the second world war, but through it all managed to keep her children together. She spent several years in a refugee camp in Denmark and when she was finally allowed to return to Germany, rebuilt a home for her family. She was a strong, courageous and very determined women, I will never forget her and will always respect her.

The quote on this page is from Helen Adams Keller: One's life story cannot be told with complete veracity. A true auto biography would have to be written in states of mind, emotions, heartbeats, smiles and tears; not in months and years or physical events. Life is marked off on the soul by feelings, not by dates.

One's Life Story digital kit credits: Miss You and Miss You mini kits by Blushbutter.
Fonts used: Wenceslas & Delitsch Antiqua.

Over the past couple of weeks we tried to spend some time each day watching some events from the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver. What a fantastic sporting event it was and Canada's athletes certainly made us all proud to be Canadians. The weather here has been wonderful for this time of year. We've been enjoying some really mild temperatures and our snow has been slowly disappearing. Although it is way to early for winter to be over, it sure does feel like spring is on it's way.

March is looking like a rather busy month for us. Raquel will be turning 11 in a couple of weeks and she is looking forward to taking her babysitting course near the end of the month. I decided to register Ayden for swimming lessons this month. This will be her first set of lessons with out me in the pool with her, so the first lesson or two might be a little interesting. She will be going a couple of mornings a week, which I'm sure she will enjoy.
I hope you have a good week, thanks for dropping by my blog.

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